Monday, June 30, 2008

Sketch Performance #6: Bacon Baseball

Using the bacon that I was given as a compass, I drew a target on the wall of my studio. Then I threw an innings worth of pitches into it. Inside the target was a strike, outside was a ball. I didn't let any runs in, but I walked three.

Sketch Performance #5: Musical Chair

As people left the studio for the night, I asked them to remember to give me a call before they went to sleep to tell me I could stop. Then I went to my studio and walked in circles around my chair until I received a phone call telling me I could take a seat.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Sketch Performance #4: Follow The Bouncing Ball

Watch me follow the path of the bouncing ball.

Sketch Performance #3: I Pledge Allegiance

I attempt to successfully jump rope while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Sketch Performance #2: Staring Contest

69 minutes: The length of time I spent staring before I was interrupted by someone asking me what I was doing.

Sketch Performance #1: In and Out

The number of times I can jump in and out of the middle of a tire during a change of the light at North Ave and Howard St, Baltimore, MD